
Knots on a Counting Rope

The counting rope is a metaphor for the passage of time and for a boy’s emerging confidence facing his greatest challenges: blindness and the approaching death of his beloved grandfather.

The House That Jane Built

This is the story of Jane Addams, the first American woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, who transformed a poor neighborhood in Chicago by opening up her house as a community center.

Here Comes the Garbage Barge

Before everyone recycled…there was a town that had 3,168 tons of garbage and nowhere to put it. What did they do? Enter the Garbage Barge! This mostly true and completely stinky story is sure to make you say “Pee-yew!”

As Fast As Words Could Fly

Young Mason Steele takes pride in turning his father’s excited ramblings about the latest civil rights incidents into handwritten business letters.